Thursday, March 30, 2006
雑誌『正論』編集部ブログ: 尊厳死
Wednesday, March 29, 2006
Musical brings Korean horrors home
It is probably the least cheerful musical since Les Miserables - a three-hour song and dance extravaganza set in one of North Korea's notorious labour camps. Yoduk(投稿者注:耀徳)Story opens with goose-stepping communist soldiers and rousing revolutionary arias. ...
北朝鮮の体制に関心をお持ちの方々にとっては、Must Read です。
BBC NEWS | Asia-PacificFriday, March 24, 2006
Park rejuvenated after busy offseason
"When we lost to Japan, we felt bad. But there was bigger meaning for me. I wanted Japan to be the champion, because we couldn't be. That's why I'm so happy they won, for Asia.
Major League Baseball : mlb.comすばらしいコメントです。準決勝で日本に敗れたあとのイー・スンヨプの発言(1)、(2) と比べると、これが同じ民族とはとても思えないような両極端の違いがあります。
rejuvenated とは、朴賛浩が昨年末に結婚したこととからめているのでしょう。ちなみに、彼の奥さんは、韓国系日本人(日本国籍を取得した在日韓国人)だそうです。
Thursday, March 23, 2006
Bookmarkを自動でバックアップして安心なFirefox 1.5
Wednesday, March 22, 2006
The Cheers Heard Around the World
I wonder how Hideki Matsui really feels now that his countrymen, led by Ichiro Suzuki, have won the first Classic. By refusing to play, Matsui insulted his country and his country's baseball legend, the team's manager, Sadaharu Oh.
On the Petco Park field after Japan's 10-6 victory, Suzuki, who had five hits in the last two games batting third instead of leading off, said in English, a language he rarely uses publicly: "Unbelievable. Most impressed with my baseball."
Translation: It was his most enjoyable day in baseball. If the Yankees win the World Series, maybe Matsui can experience that feeling.
"I didn't even think about the upcoming regular season," Suzuki said through an interpreter, reverting to Japanese. "It's not an ideal thing for a player to think, but I didn't really care if I would get injured in this game. That's how much I really wanted to win this one."
Source:New York Times
When organizers first applied for a license for Cuba to participate, the Treasury Department denied the request because the Cubans would have received American money. That would have violated the United States' trade embargo against Cuba.
The organizers applied for a second license that guaranteed Cuba would not receive money. Five weeks after the denial, President Bush ordered his staff to settle the issue, and a license was granted.
Under tournament regulations, every team except Cuba received at least 1 percent of the net profits. Those percentages rose as teams advanced, with Japan receiving 10 percent as the champion. The money that Cuba would have received will be donated to charity.
Source:New York Times
The U.S. Treasury Department initially refused the visa for the Cuban team to play in the World Baseball Classic, reversing its stance only after Cuba promised to donate profits from the tournament to victims of Hurricane Katrina — meaning Castro’s government would receive no financial gain.
Wednesday, March 15, 2006
朝鮮日報 Chosunilbo (Japanese Edition)update: 「文化とは、後天的・歴史的に形成された、外面的および内面的な生活様式の体系であり、集団の全員または特定のメンバーにより共有されるもの」(蒲生正男・祖父江孝男編「文化人類学」)
Thursday, March 09, 2006
China's Underpopulation Crisis - India has one, too.
... The advantages of investment in China are well-known. Less well-understood is a looming demographic challenge that could undermine China's ability to grow rich before its population grows old. Emerging-market investors in search of an alternative should note that India faces a demographic challenge of its own. ...
www.slate.comWednesday, March 08, 2006
... アジア野球の第1人者は韓国だ。日本は2等だ。ところが、ホテルは日本がもっと良い。... 韓国選手団のホテルは星が三つだ。反面、日本選手団が泊まっているシェラトンクレスントホテルは星が三つ半だ。一番安いシングルルームを基準にしても、50ドル以上も差がある。...
いい年をした大人が、childish としか言いようがありません。何を問題にしているのでしょうかね。星が三つ半と言ってますが、等級に半分の星ってありましたっけ。ちなみに、東亜日報)は、韓国の三大新聞のひとつです。 [Japanese donga]Tuesday, March 07, 2006
Thursday, March 02, 2006