Friday, July 30, 2004
47 key tips from the World's best BLOGGERS (Source: NetGuideWeb)良いブログの47の秘訣 (1-7)
- 書き込みの頻度(および、内容および作者の個性)が重要です。毎日でなくても良いから、規則的に更新しなければ、読者はついてきません。
- 書かれた内容に興味があるあいだ、読者は誤字やミスタイプに寛容ですが、いつまでもというわけにはゆきません。読者は去ってゆきます。
- 読者を喜ばせようとする必要はありません。作者自分にとって興味があると思うことを書けばよいのです。
- 自分のことで世間に公表できる範囲の境界を設けます。どこまで出せるか、全部を曝け出す必要はありませんので、そのバランスを考えます。
- 誰かについて書いたことがその本人に読まれることはないとは考えないほうが良い。職場の上司の目にとまったために、会社を解雇された例もあります。
- 自分のウェブログを作成したその当初から祖父母が見てくれていました。祖父母に読まれていることを意識した内容のおかげで、広い層の読者が得られました。
- 私が守っている或るルールがあります。それは、一旦書き込んだら消去しないということです。私は書き込みのまえに、あとで後悔することのない内容であることを確かめます。
Meg Hourihan(抄訳)
J Meg Hourihan (
- Frequency, good writing, and personality - a mix of all those is critical. If you don’t update regularly (it doesn’t have to be every day, but some consistent schedule) it’s hard to gain any following or build traffic.
- People will forgive misspellings and typos as long as they’re finding value in what’s being written. But if you’re not doing it consistently, traffic will trail off.
- Don’t worry about who’s reading, and just write about what’s interesting to you. Don’t try to please some external person, just focus on writing about stuff you think is interesting.
- Set boundaries. Think about how much of yourself you’re comfortable sharing. You don’t have to “tell all”. Just decide which parts of your life you’re willing to share, and try to find a balance that works for you.
- Remember that whatever you publish will be found and archived by Google and other search engines and Web sites. So really think carefully about what you’re putting out there before you do it. People have been fired for the things they’ve written on their Web sites. Never assume that what you’ve written about someone (a family member, friend, or co-worker) won’t be seen by them “because they don’t use the Web”.
- My grandparents have been reading my Web site since its inception, so I’ve always been aware of them as my key audience. That’s really kept my writing focused on things I’d share with them, decreased the amount of swearing or silly whining, and I think in general kept the site accessible to a broader variety of people.
- A rule I have is “don’t delete a post”. So I think before I write anything, making sure that I don’t put something out there that I’ll later regret. For that reason I don’t recommend drunk blogging. You don’t want to wake up the next morning and read something you don’t remember writing!
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