Sunday, August 15, 2004
47 key tips from the World's best BLOGGERS (Source: NetGuideWeb)良いブログの47の秘訣 (20-23)
- あなた自身の個性とスタイルを維持すること。身近にあることの模倣は避けましょう。最初に最も重要なことは、 個性の輝きです。
- 自分では友達や家族に向けて書き込んでいるつもりでも、大勢の他の人々がそれを読んでいることを忘れないこと。
- 私たち夫婦がブログを始めたとき、自分達が行きたいと思った映画館やレストランについて書き込んだものでした。ところが、私たちのブログを読んだ人が私たちに会うためにこれらの場所に現れる事を知ったときは、ショックでした。それ以来、何をするにも事前には書き込みをせず、すべて終わってから書き込むことを学びました。
- 精神的にタフであらねばなりません。ブログのコミュニティにもフォーラムなどで経験するような「いたずらをする人」がいます。そのような人々がいて当然なのです。
Robyn Pollman(抄訳)
J Robyn Pollman (
- Retain your sense of self and style - don’t constantly emulate and copy those around you. Your personality needs to shine through first and foremost. It’s what will make your blog unique and “you”.
- Remember that even though you think you’re writing to just friends and family, your words will have a global audience. You never know just who is reading your blog, and where they may be located when reading it.
- When my husband and I started blogging we would frequently mention movies and restaurants we planned to attend. Imagine our shock when individuals reading our blog would just show up at these locations hoping to meet us - and would blog about doing so in their own journals! We quickly learned to write about things we planned to do after the event, and not beforehand.
- You need to develop a thick skin. Blogs experience “trolls” just as forums do. It’s par for the course. Just as any sporting event will have several thousand spectators behaving themselves and having a great time, it only takes one person to jump the railing and cause a public disturbance - so it also is with blogs. It’s just not something bloggers can take personally -- although at times it can be hard to follow that advice, depending on what is said.
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