Thursday, June 15, 2006
Hurrah, They Beat Togolese!
In the latest World Cup saga, the well-fed, well-clothed “Taeguk Warriors” came back from behind to beat the team from Togo, a West African nation smaller than West Virginia where the men live an average of only 55 years, and boasts less than 1/10th GDP per capita of South Korea. And the nation is in ecstasy.(いい物を食べて、こぎれいにした「大極戦士」が、男性の平均寿命が55歳以下で、一人当たりのGDPが韓国の1/10にも満たない西アフリカの小国トーゴに勝った、勝ったと国を挙げて恍惚状態、と揶揄をあびています。) via The Korea Liberator
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