
Friday, May 05, 2006


Lee [Jong-seok] told [that] North Korean leader Kim Jong-il is a man Seoul can do business with, being "one of the figures in the North we can get [an] agreement from and who can make proper decisions." If President Roh Moo-hyun and Kim met for a summit, "the results may well exceed our expectations," Lee predicted. "The two [Roh Moo-hyun & Kim] could produce significant results since Pyongyang is well aware that President Roh is a decisive man who is able to see the big picture, and Kim is always being portrayed as broad-minded in the North Korean media."

Lee said he had no plans to meet the father of the Japanese abduction victim Megumi Yokota, who will visit Korea this month, "and I don't think there is a need to do so." Lee also rapped Japan for "underestimating the efforts" Kim Jong-il made to settle the issue of Pyongyang's kidnappings of Japanese citizens. He said Kim responded to the issue to the point of admitting the abductions.

Digital Chosunilbo (English Edition)

注:[ ]および強調の太字は小生による。


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