
Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Japanese Ambassador insulted at COEX gathering in Korea. 

先週火曜日の夜、ソウルのCODEXで行われた会合で、信じられないことが起こったらしい。インターコンチネンタルホテルの社長(Shim Jae-hyuk)が韓国の飲酒文化を紹介すると称して、ビールにウィスキーを混ぜて飲む「バクダン酒 ("poktanju" or "bomb drink")」の説明を広島長崎の原爆になぞらえて、しかも、それを在韓日本大使の前でやったらしい。

He explained there are three kinds according to how the whisky and beer are mixed. "When a small glass of whisky is mixed into a glass of beer, it is called 'atomic poktanju' because it makes bubbles that look like a mushroom cloud. When a small glass of beer is mixed into a glass of whisky, it is called 'hydrogen poktanju', and a glass of bourbon added to a glass of whisky is called 'neutron poktanju,'" he said.

DHL Korea president Alan Cassels said, "It is interesting to discover that there are so many kinds of poktanju. I sometimes enjoy it, and I can tolerate two or three glasses without difficulty. Japanese Ambassador to Korea Shotaro Oshima was diplomatically restrained. "I can't drink at all, but it's interesting to learn about poktanju culture," he said.




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