Tuesday, August 31, 2004
5 ways to steer clear of online crime
Steering clear of online theft and fraud usually takes little more than common sense — something the average computer user often disregards once he or she is tucked behind the perceived safety and anonymity of a mouse, keyboard and modem.
Monday, August 30, 2004
No entry for spam
Junk mail can have you sweating and swearing, especially if you're just back from a holiday and need to catch up with mail in your inbox. Here's a Microsoft-backed initiative to keep the bad guys out.
Sunday, August 29, 2004
Gold | Silver | Bronze | Total | ||
1 USA | 35 | 39 | 29 | 103 | 1 USA |
2 China | 32 | 17 | 14 | 63 | 3 China |
3 Russia | 27 | 27 | 38 | 92 | 2 Russia |
4 Australia | 17 | 16 | 16 | 49 | 4 Australia |
5 Japan | 16 | 9 | 12 | 37 | 6 Japan |
6 Germany | 14 | 16 | 18 | 48 | 5 Germany |
7 France | 11 | 9 | 13 | 33 | 7 France |
8 Italy | 10 | 11 | 11 | 32 | 8 Italy |
9 South Korea | 9 | 12 | 9 | 30 | 9 South Korea |
10 Great Britain | 9 | 9 | 12 | 30 | 9 Great Britain |
11 Cuba | 9 | 7 | 11 | 27 | 11 Cuba |
Friday, August 27, 2004
Gold | Silver | Bronze | Total | ||
1 USA | 28 | 31 | 24 | 83 | 1 USA |
2 China | 25 | 17 | 12 | 54 | 3 China |
3 Australia | 16 | 11 | 16 | 43 | 4 Australia |
4 Russia | 15 | 19 | 23 | 57 | 2 Russia |
5 Japan | 15 | 9 | 10 | 34 | 6 Japan |
6 Germany | 10 | 11 | 14 | 35 | 5 Germany |
Thursday, August 26, 2004
The Economist on the Athens Olympics
Here is a very interesting article on the Athens Olympics in the Economist:
Greeks bearing games
Aug 18th 2004
From The Economist Global Agenda
(via http://www.sporadikos-logos.org/)
Tuesday, August 24, 2004
Bouncing Back
Shedding their fears of failure and shame, Japan's athletes are rediscovering the joy of victory.
(TIME Asia Magazine)
Monday, August 23, 2004
Marathon: Where it all began, Noguchi wins
Christopher Clarey IHT
Monday, August 23, 2004
(International Herald Tribune)
Sunday, August 22, 2004
大変うれしいことに、国際的に著名なスポーツ雑誌 Sports Illustrated による日本のメダル獲得数の予想が大きく外れました。
Gold | Silver | Bronze | Total | ||
1 USA | 19 | 15 | 12 | 46 | 1 USA |
2 China | 18 | 13 | 10 | 41 | 2 China |
3 Japan | 12 | 5 | 5 | 22 | 6 Japan |
4 Australia | 11 | 7 | 11 | 29 | 5 Australia |
5 Germany | 10 | 9 | 11 | 30 | 4 Germany |
6 Russia | 7 | 13 | 14 | 34 | 3 Russia |
Gold | Silver | Bronze | Total | |
1 USA | 38 | 37 | 36 | 111 |
2 Russia | 34 | 26 | 25 | 85 |
3 China | 31 | 20 | 24 | 75 |
4 Australia | 19 | 12 | 19 | 50 |
5 Germany | 14 | 16 | 18 | 48 |
6 France | 9 | 16 | 16 | 41 |
7 Great Britain | 7 | 11 | 16 | 34 |
8 Italy | 12 | 9 | 9 | 30 |
9 Cuba | 12 | 9 | 4 | 25 |
10 Japan | 7 | 13 | 4 | 24 |
Saturday, August 21, 2004
47 key tips from the World's best BLOGGERS (Source: NetGuideWeb)良いブログの47の秘訣 (28-39)
- ブログには、そのコンテントにふさわしいスタイルがあります。個人的ブログには良いようなスタイルも、顧客に商品情報などを伝える企業のブログにはふさわしくないことがあります。
- ページ内のナビゲーションが容易であること。サイトをデザインするにあたっては、明滅するアイコンや音楽などの使用は控えるのが良いでしょう。
- 最初に説明したブログの目的に沿った内容を維持すること。技術情報ブログとのふれこみにもかかわらず、きゅうに身辺事情の書き込みを始めたら、読者は驚くでしょう。
- 個人のブログには、他人のブログとは違う何かがなくてはなりません。お役立ち情報やお得な情報でも、面白情報でも他人のブログとの差別化が必要です。
- ブログには個性が必要です。ブログは成長し、変化せねばなりません。
- ブログのプラニングは慎重に。ブログは一旦立ち上がったら、あなたの生活の中心にになるでしょうから。
- ブログのタイトルはよく考えて決めよう。少なくとも、これから数年間は使うでしょうから。
- 自分に最も合ったブログのソフトはどれかよく考えよう。
- バックアップをとりましょう。プロバイダだけに頼って数年間のデータの蓄積を失いたくないでしょうから。
- ブロードバンドを導入しなさい。それによって、私のブログ生活も大きく変わりました。
- 書き込みは慎重に。自らの恋愛経験を読者と分かちあうことに今は幸せを感じていても、年を経るごとにそのことに当惑を感ずるものである。
- ブログが楽しくなくなったら、一旦休止しましょう。
J Hash (www.iMakeContent.net)
- A “good” blog has a style which is appropriate to its content. What’s good in a personal blog - highly subjective takes on the world, say - might be wrong in a blog designed to show off a portfolio, an extended CV, or a company blog delivering product info to customers.
- Navigation should be easy. As in designing any Web site, it might be an idea to go easy on blinking icons, music, or colour schemes difficult to scan on screen.
- The blog should do what you say it’s going to do. You want people to come back, to become regular readers, so you need to live up to whatever you promise. If you’ve set up a tech blog, your readers might be surprised if you start writing long accounts of why your marriage/team/country is going down the drain. Of course, in the process you might pick up some new readers and decide to relaunch the blog.
- In a personal blog, there needs to be something that sets it apart from others in its class. It might be that it’s particularly useful - shares inside-track knowledge, provides up-to-the-second analysis, hard-to-find links. Or it might have a point of view that’s unusual, funny, insightful.
- Blogs need a sense of personality. The blog should grow and change, react to whatever world it describes.
- Plan carefully. If your blog takes off, then it might well become a central part of your life.
- Think carefully about what you’re going to call the blog. Assume you’re going to stick with it for a couple of years at least. What sounds cool and groovy today might sound dated tomorrow. What fits in with your lifestyle today might be embarrassing tomorrow.
- Figure out what software you might need. I started with Blogger, moved to Radio Userland and now use, very happily, Moveable Type. Each one has its good points as well as limitations. Do you want to be able to access the blog from other computers? Do you want to be able to create new blogs? What kind of hosting have you got? Think about what software you’re going to use to create images and, if your blog carries news, what kind of news gatherer to get. In general, brush up on your tech skills, your HTML , and get your computer organised.
- Back everything up. Don’t rely on your hosting company. If it goes down, you want to be up and running as soon as possible. And you really don’t want to lose several years’ worth of blog posts!
- Get a broadband connection. It changed the way I blog.
- Think carefully about what you’re writing. You may be happy about sharing intimate details about your love life right now. In a couple of years, you might find it embarrassing.
- When you’re not enjoying blogging - stop, take a break.
Tuesday, August 17, 2004
Wizard of odds
Olympic expert predicts 93 medals for U.S.
Sunday, August 15, 2004
47 key tips from the World's best BLOGGERS (Source: NetGuideWeb)良いブログの47の秘訣 (24-27)
- たくさんの人が、これから書き込もうすることをよく考えないで書き始めています。
- 人々は、不安や悩み事で一杯の巨大な日記は読みたくないものだ。
- しばしば更新して、興味が持てる項目を載せること。
- 誰が読者かを知ること。
Quin Parker(抄訳)
J Quin Parker (quinparker.com)
- A lot of people start writing without thinking about what they’re going to say.
- People don’t like reading huge, diaries full of angst because they’ve seen it all before.
- As with all Web pages, update it frequently and put interesting stuff on it.
- Know your audience.
47 key tips from the World's best BLOGGERS (Source: NetGuideWeb)良いブログの47の秘訣 (20-23)
- あなた自身の個性とスタイルを維持すること。身近にあることの模倣は避けましょう。最初に最も重要なことは、 個性の輝きです。
- 自分では友達や家族に向けて書き込んでいるつもりでも、大勢の他の人々がそれを読んでいることを忘れないこと。
- 私たち夫婦がブログを始めたとき、自分達が行きたいと思った映画館やレストランについて書き込んだものでした。ところが、私たちのブログを読んだ人が私たちに会うためにこれらの場所に現れる事を知ったときは、ショックでした。それ以来、何をするにも事前には書き込みをせず、すべて終わってから書き込むことを学びました。
- 精神的にタフであらねばなりません。ブログのコミュニティにもフォーラムなどで経験するような「いたずらをする人」がいます。そのような人々がいて当然なのです。
Robyn Pollman(抄訳)
J Robyn Pollman (www.shutterblog.com)
- Retain your sense of self and style - don’t constantly emulate and copy those around you. Your personality needs to shine through first and foremost. It’s what will make your blog unique and “you”.
- Remember that even though you think you’re writing to just friends and family, your words will have a global audience. You never know just who is reading your blog, and where they may be located when reading it.
- When my husband and I started blogging we would frequently mention movies and restaurants we planned to attend. Imagine our shock when individuals reading our blog would just show up at these locations hoping to meet us - and would blog about doing so in their own journals! We quickly learned to write about things we planned to do after the event, and not beforehand.
- You need to develop a thick skin. Blogs experience “trolls” just as forums do. It’s par for the course. Just as any sporting event will have several thousand spectators behaving themselves and having a great time, it only takes one person to jump the railing and cause a public disturbance - so it also is with blogs. It’s just not something bloggers can take personally -- although at times it can be hard to follow that advice, depending on what is said.
Sunday, August 08, 2004
... 中国人観衆の反日行為が日中間に波紋を広げたサッカー・アジアカップは7日、北京で閉幕したが、中国国内では一連の騒動で対日不信感が増幅されている。 中国側は、「騒動が政治問題化した責任は日本にあり、歴史問題こそが反日の根本原因」と見なしているからだ。 ...
(読売新聞)Zico praises total team effort of Japan
Japan coach Zico paid tribute to the strong spirit and teamwork of his team on Saturday as they successfully retained the Asian Cup with a 3-1 win over hosts Japan at the Beijing Workers' Stadium. ...
(FootballAsia)China players did a good job of hiding the pain of defeat in the aftermath of their loss to Japan, preferring to focus on the positives of their run to their first Asian Cup final in 20 years rather than the 3-1 loss. ...
(FootballAsia)Hand of Nakata gives Japan Asian Cup victory
... An angry Chinese coach Arie Haan questioned all three goals.
"The first goal, the foul should have been for us. The second goal - the hand ball, and the third was a foul on Sun Jihai," he said. ...
(AFP via fifaworldcup.yahoo.com)Saturday, August 07, 2004
- Web Site or Website?
- Site Map or Sitemap?
- Log-in or Login?
Wednesday, August 04, 2004
Sunday, August 01, 2004
47 key tips from the World's best BLOGGERS (Source: NetGuideWeb)良いブログの47の秘訣 (15-19)
- 定期的に書き込むこと、興味の或るトピックを見つけてしっかりと追跡し、誤字脱字に注意する。
- 礼儀正しく振舞うこと。人々を親しく名前で呼ぶのも面白いが、読者はそのことにうんざりする。
- 最初は、自分自身のこと、例えば職業、住んでいるところ等、一番良く知っているのが自分であるようなことを取り上げて、それをブログの主な部分にすること。
- 特に重要な書き込みをするときは、他のブロガに事前に知らせておけば、リンクが張られて、新しい読者が得られるでしょう。
- デジタルカメラを利用すること。写真はブログを生き生きとさせ、良い写真は1000語の説得力にも匹敵します。
Glenn Reynolds(抄訳)
J Glenn Reynolds (instapundit.com)
- Post regularly, find topics that interest you and track them steadily, and write carefully (I hate blogs that are full of typos and ungrammatical sentences).
- It pays to be polite. Calling people names can sound fun, but most readers are turned off by it.
- Starting off, pick some topics that you know more about than most other people - your profession, your locality, or whatever - and make those a major part of your blog.
- When you have something especially important, email some other bloggers and let them know. They’re likely to link to you and you’ll pick up readers.
- Get a digital camera if you don’t have one. Photographs liven up a blog and, if they’re good, can really be worth 1000 words.