
Friday, June 04, 2004

今回の佐世保の事件とは全く関連なしに、偶然発見した米国新聞社の電子版の記事を紹介します。The age of reason は、「《子供が》善悪の判断のつき始める時期」と訳されます。人間の脳の各部分の中で成熟が最後になるのは、論理的な思考と判断、問題の解決、その他複雑な機能を司る部分であり、それは18-21歳のあいだの年令になってからのことである、と言っています。

The age of reason

"Perhaps there's an explanation after all for why some teenagers are so notoriously difficult: Their minds cannot yet fully reason," writes Jane Allen of the Los Angeles Times. "[R]esearchers found in a recent study that the last areas of the brain to mature in humans appear to be those responsible for reasoning, problem-solving and other sophisticated functions. This doesn't happen until some time between the ages of 18 and 21." The study, published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, tracked the brain development of 13 healthy children and teenagers for eight to 10 years.

(The Globe and Mail, posted June 2, 2004)

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