Monday, January 31, 2005 - Online Dictionary, Encyclopedia and much more
物書きに便利な単位変換ソフト M Changer
Friday, January 28, 2005
Picasa 2
Thursday, January 27, 2005
1画面 それだけで完結するサイト
More babies, please
By 2007, Japan's population is expected to peak at 127 million, then shrink to under 100 million by the middle of the century. This means 30 million fewer workers at a time when the number of elderly will have almost doubled. ...
BBC NEWS問題な日本語 -- どこがおかしい?何がおかしい?
Tuesday, January 25, 2005
「ハングゲ イモジョモ」 / 「韓国あれこれ」
Monday, January 24, 2005
Rebecca Blood
Rebecca Blood の風貌をご存知でしたか。Her book, The Weblog Handbook: Practical Advice on Creating and Maintaining Your Blog, called “the Strunk & White of blogging books", ... のなかの、Strunk & White とは、英文スタイルに関する名著: The Elements of Style の著者の名前をさしています。
Blogtalk Downunder歯科医といい関係を築く方法
Saturday, January 22, 2005
The Rise of Open-Source Politics
Six Degrees of Business, Part II
Technorati Launches Tags
Thursday, January 20, 2005
特集:WebサービスをAmazonで知る--ECS 4.0でアフィリエイト〈前編)
PC利用者への架空請求が急増 - 東京都発表、手口もますます悪質化
New Google program boosts other services
Google Inc. released a new version of its free program for managing and organizing digital photographs. Picasa 2 also makes it easy to send photos through the company's GMail service and post pictures to its Blogger Weblog business.
CBS MarketWatchWednesday, January 19, 2005
Google releases Picasa 2
Tuesday, January 18, 2005
The experts at EarthLink help you protect yourself online
There are three things you should ALWAYS have when using the internet. A spam blocking program, an anti-virus program and a personal firewall.
EarthLink Protection BlogMonday, January 17, 2005
チップ(tip)はgratuity(心づけ)の通称で、to insure promptness(手際良さを保証する)の頭文字から来ています。
Sankei Web 【西田ひかるのOh,my goodness!】一般公開される米犯罪者、身近な「監視社会」の現実
Friday, January 14, 2005
Thursday, January 13, 2005
Wednesday, January 12, 2005
ネズミが言語聞き分けた!? 日本語とオランダ語
Tuesday, January 11, 2005
Pious people in downtown Tokyo
Pious people in downtown Tokyo
Originally uploaded by KAZAMA.
The approach to the gate of Taishakuten, or Sakra devanam Indra, located at Shibamata, Tokyo.
1月9日と同じ元のpicture(on the computer)を Flickr 経由で post すると上のようになります。Title、Description(説明)、Comment(閲覧者のコメント) などは、英語以外は文字化けするので、とりあえず英語でいれておいて、必要なら Blog の Edit Posts で日本語に書き換えます。
Pious people in downtown Tokyo
Monday, January 10, 2005
Picasa: Automated Digital Photo Organizer software, instant photo albums, sharing & printing
Sunday, January 09, 2005
Friday, January 07, 2005
300種類の Free Truetype Fonts
Big news... Six Apart and LiveJournal!
Firefox に最初にインストールする3個のエクステンション
Download details: Windows AntiSpyware (Beta)
Windows AntiSpyware (Beta) is a security technology that helps protect Windows users from spyware and other potentially unwanted software.
Download details: Windows AntiSpyware (Beta)"Open Source" vs "Free" Software: Is "Free Software" Dead?
"There are some people who are passionate about the differences between 'free software' and 'open source'," wrote Kevin Bedell earlier this year. But he was beginning to wonder if the difference matters, he added. "I think it's time to stop dividing the community using labels. We don't need different names for the same thing." Read the rest of his essay here, in the start of our end-of-year "Best of 2004" round-up of articles from LinuxWorld Magazine.